We use our predictive methodology Brightside Align to help you decide which products need greater focus and which ones you should sunset, and to create an overarching corporate and marketing strategy that succeeds.
Brightside Align - Align Your Products to MarketFrom deciding which products to sunset; to evaluating which products need greater focus. Brightside Align™ is a forward-looking, predictive methodology designed to better align product strategy with overarching corporate and marketing strategies.
Scoring a health plan's products along a continuum of attributes ranging from financial performance, actuarial strength, operational efficiency and market positioning, each benefit plan in a portfolio is assessed. The final Brightside Align score is then weighted based on a health plan's strategic direction and the results are presented in a single view providing a clear and concise understanding of each product's overall performance. To learn more go here. |
COMPARE & COMPETEThe Competitive Price Position product provides a snapshot of a client's price position compared to like plans for competitors in given categories.
To facilitate the selection of like plans for comparison purposes, Brightside Solutions creates a competitive benefit grid organized by metal tier and network type. Using competitor published product information, benefits in categories known to drive consumer buying behavior in each metal tier/network combination are documented. Competitor plans are selected/grouped based upon sameness to a given health plan as defined by Brightside Solutions. Brightside Solutions assesses competitor’s rates and makes a determination as to the client health plan’s overall competitiveness vs. competitors’ like-plans. |
NETWORKIn today's market the size and type of network being offered to consumers is a primary determinant of both price and popularity of each health plans products.
Knowing where a client is positioned against the competition not just in terms of number of providers but the number of marquee providers in your network is critical to a health plans success. Brightside determines a health plans position in both cases and uses the results to help determine marketability and competitive advantage or disadvantage. |
Consulting ServicesWe specialize in providing you with a unique approach to helping your organization realize its short and long term goals. Our team of experts can help you recognize market opportunities for new product innovations and product portfolio management.
At Brightside Solutions, we use proven strategies and leverage our industry expertise to lead your organization in a rational process to develop the vision and strategic plans best suited to position your organization as a market leader. |
Download our case study here.